100% farm fresh! Delivered frozen ❄️

You’re dog clearly knows the good stuff!

Pets Love Fresh

Here are 5 reasons why your dog will benefit from freshly cooked food:

1. Healthier digestion

1. Healthier digestion

High quality meat balanced with rice, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, all gently cooked to ensure your dog takes in all the natural goodness in the food.

2. More energy

2. More energy

Within days you should notice that your dog has more energy, even older dogs will suddenly have a spring in their step.

3. Better skin & softer coat

3. Better skin & softer coat

Most allergies and skin flare ups are caused by cheap fillers or a mix of poor quality proteins. By using high quality protein and gently cooking it, we're giving your dog's digestive system the best chance to take in all the natural goodness, without triggering the flare ups.

4. Smaller poos

4. Smaller poos

You may have noticed already, their poos are smaller! That's because all the natural goodness in our food is being digested and taken in.

5. Longer healthier lives

5. Longer healthier lives

We understand fresh food is healthier for us. It is the same for dogs and it's been proven that a diet of just massed produced kibbles and tinned foods can reduce life expectancy by up to 2.5 years. Swap long shelf life for long healthy life.

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